How to make money with YOUR INTERNET RADIO STATION

This is a question that runs on most peoples mind. At first, you need to know your targeted clients. Which are churches, DJs, Artist, Presenters. Lets start with the first one


  1. Churches: there are many churches around you, that will like to have a global congregation. You can tell the pastor that you will be streaming their sunday service live for free for a month.

Note that within this time, you must be punctual, based on their service time and you have to connect their mixer line out to your laptop line in. then start your BUTT ENCODER to stream live to your radio station.

Note that, the pastor will order his congregation to download your app of which, that will be a plus to you to gain more listeners.

After the service, you will have to send a complete listeners report to the pastor so that he can know the number of people and which country they are from  that connected to his service.


 If they are used to your service, definitely they won’t want you to stop.

  1. DJs: There are Djs that will like to stream their shows live, or they want you to be playing their mix. The best thing to get their attention is to give them free service for a period of time. Also, you can create a sub dj account for them to go live whereever they are. Based on the time frame you gave them to do so.



Artists: Comedians, and MCs will like to feature in your radio station of which they will want a time slot in your station. Same goes to Presenters.

  Note that your radio station is 24 hours ON AIR. no down time. You will need to know your peak period based on the generated weekly and monthly analytics. Before you start selling time slot, you have to render free services for a start




. You can subscribe to google adword or adsense. So that, when listeners use your app or your website to listen to your radio, google will present some ads to them of which, google will be paying you per click. Or per impression


  • radio hosting
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